A Rental Property Is A Great Source Of Income, Provided You Get It Right

  • 2 years ago
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Investing in a rental property can be a great source of regular income. If you have sufficient funds for a deposit, then you can obtain a mortgage in order to buy a property which you can let for profit.

However, before you rush out and buy because a property looks cheap, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. There may well be a very good reason why a home looks like a cheap buy, so you need to look at all the advantages and disadvantages. For example, it may be that the 3-bed home that you are looking at is in an area where there are no schools nearby, so that would dissuade a family with two children from renting in that area.

You might find a property in area that has a lot of businesses nearby. That could be a good sign because those businesses need to employ people and those applying for jobs will very likely want to live locally where there is an easy trip in to work. There are lots of other things that can affect the way potential renters look at an area. For instance, are there parks, shops, restaurants, a gym, perhaps a theatre nearby? What are the transport links like?

Complete Knowledge Of The Local Area

All of these things can have a direct effect upon the rental that you can expect to get. This is why so many landlords come to us at Bedfordshire Accommodation Bureau because, as leading estate agents in Dunstable, we have complete knowledge of the local area, the facilities available, and thus the amount of rent which you can expect to get. We have been managing properties on behalf of landlords for over 20 years.

We take all the hard work out of managing your property because when push comes to shove, all you want to do as a landlord is own a property which has regular income and at the same time increases in value.

We provide landlords / landladies with free valuations in Dunstable and Luton so this means that you will know in advance how much rent you can charge. We advertise for tenants, interview them, and then advise you of the most suitable tenant for your home. Not only that, but we also give you guaranteed rent in Luton. Yes, no matter what may occur, your rent will arrive in your bank account on time every month! Contact us for more information.

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